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Introduce friends to extend the period of use

How to extend your term by introducing a friend

If you introduce the Flips service to a friend and this friend becomes a paid member, both the introducing person and the introduced person are offered a 30 days extended period of use for the referral service.


You can use the referral service in the following ways:


1.    Click the “Refer a friend” button at the upper left corner of the edit screen.


2.    A special link with your invitation will be sent to your friend by email or any other way that is convenient for you.


With this the application for the service is complete. Once your friend becomes paid member, you will receive a confirmation email from our team.


The referral link can be quite versatile. For example, it is possible to share that link on a website or you can create special page for introducing the referral service.


Next is How to check the number of daily visitors.



