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Confirm the number of visitors per day

How to check the number of visitors per day

With Flips you can see the daily number of people who visit your website.


To check it you have to click on the “View Visitors” link in the upper left corner of the edit screen.


The number of visitors also known as the session number is formed by the number of unique users who visit your website in one day.


You will also receive a weekly email with the number of daily visitors. In the “View Visitors” link you can edit the frequency of delivery of this email.

For those who want more detailed analysis

For those of you who want not only the number of visitors but a more detailed analysis, we recommend you using the free Google Analytics provided by Google in Flips.


In order to use it you have to register for Google Analytics; then you will get a Google Analytics tag. After that from the link “Edit Information” in the edit screen you can add Google Analytics tags by pasting them in the Google Analytics tags box.


Next is How to return the website to the default state.


