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Apply for paid service to extend the period of use

Extend the term by subscribing to paid service

The trial period of Flips will end after 30 days. In order to continue using Flips you will have to apply for the paid service and purchase points to extend the available time.

How to extend the period of availability

Extension of the available period can be done from the link “Purchase points” in the upper right corner of the edit screen.


The extension fee for 365 points (=365 days (1 year) availability equivalent fee) is 24,820 yen (tax included) *68 yen per day (tax included).


The procedure is as follows:

1.    Click on the link “Purchase points”.


2.    Choose payment method.

For method of payment you can choose between credit card payment and bank transfer.


3.    Fill in the required fields.

Fill in the information necessary for payment.


4.1. If you chose payment with credit card.

Payment form by the credit card services company Epsilon will open so please follow the instructions to finish the payment procedure. In the case of credit card, after payment is complete 365 points (365 days extension) will be immediately added to your term of use.


4.2. If you chose payment by bank transfer.

If you choose this option we will send you email with the information required for payment. Please verify the contents of the email and proceed with paying to the specified bank account. After our office confirms the payment, 365 points (365 days extension) will be added. (Please note that in the case of bank transfer, it may take several business days to confirm the payment.)



Next is How to extend the period of use by introducing Flips to a friend.


